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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

la que suscribe

the undersigned

viuda de primeras nupcias con

widowed, having been married a single time to

con domicilio en

domiciled at
residing at

en Avenida Burgos 2278 de la Capital Federal

at 2278 Avenida Burgos in the Federal Capital

en ejercicio de la patria potestad que ejerce sobre

exercising parental authority over
having custody of

su hijo menor de edad

her minor son

titular del D.N.I.

bearer of National Identity Document

por la presente lo AUTORIZA

does hereby AUTHORIZE him

hasta su mayoría de edad

until he is of (legal) age

cuantas veces lo considere necesario

on as many occasions as he deems necessary

lal suscrita se compromete a notificar

the undersigned agrees to notify

Secretaría del Menor y la Familia

Secretariat/Department of Juvenile and Family Matters

firma certificada en sello notarial Nro. 212334

signature certified on official document number 213342


notary public

Colegio de escribanos

Association of Notaries Public

incs. a y b

subparagraphs a and b

en mi carácter de escribano público

in my capacity as Notary Public

titular del Registro 25

bearer of Registration Certificate 25

en uso de las atribuciones que me confieren las leyes y reglamentaciones vigentes

by virtue of the powers vested in me by current laws and regulations

la firma que antecede ha sido puesta en mi presencia

the foregoing signature has been affixed hereto in my presence

dicha persona manifiesta actuar por su propio derecho

said/such person claims to be acting in her own right

justificando el vínculo con

she provides proof of such relationship by means of (note new sentence)

elementos que tengo a la vista para este acto

documents which I have before me for this act

los requerimientos respectivos han quedado formalizados simultáneamente

the respective requirements have been carried out simultaneously

por medio del acta número 141 del Libro de Registro de firmas número 18

by means of record number 141 in Signature Registration Book number 18





en virtud de las facultades que le confieren

by virtue of the powers vested in it by

legaliza la firma y el sello

authenticates/ verifies the signature and seal

obrantes en el documento anexo

which appear on the attached document

presentado en el día de la fecha

presented/submitted on the indicated date

la presente legalización no juzga sobre el contenido y forma del documento

this authentification/ verification makes no determination as to the content and form of such document
