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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

It seemed that, finally, she had found a good strategy.
- finally (afer all)

Parecía que, al fin y al cabo, había encontrado una buena estrategia.
- al fin y al cabo

We have to remove her from the board. ...
- the board (in a game) (the wooden board)

Tenemos que quitarla del tablero. ...
- el tablero

We cannot continue allowing her to continue playing this game.
lit: allowing that she continues
- the game (not "el juego" "el partido") (the departure)

No podemos seguir permitiendo que ella siga jugando esta partida.
- la partida

the dashboard e.g., of the car (the board: game, wooden)

el tablero p.ej., del auto

the video camera

la videocámara

the digital recorder
- the recorder

la grabadora digital
- la grabadora

The important thing was to be able to record the sound with good quality.
(to register, to record, to search)

Lo importante era poder registrar el sonido con buena calidad.

It didn't have any lights or led indicators m/visible.
lit: in sight
- the indicator

No tenía ninguna luz ni indicador led a la vista.
- el indicador

the cardiologist
the cardiology

el cardiólogo, la cardióloga
la cardiología

I have to go right now to the clinic.
- right now

Tengo que ir ya mismo para la clínica.
- ya mismo
(?/shorthand? - para [llegar a] la clínica)

I can close the office for you. It's no trouble.
lit: It doesn't cost me anything.

Yo puedo cerrar la oficina por ti. No me cuesta nada.
"por" - on behalf of

She decided to place it in one of the upper corners of the office.
(They decided on a place.)
(He decided to tell her)

Ella se decidió por colocarla en una de las esquinas superiores de la oficina.
(Se decidieron por un lugar.)
(Se decidió a decirle)

the majority shareholders of the company
- majority (adj)
(the majority)

los accionistas mayoritarios de la compañía
- mayoritario/a
(la mayoría)

the psychiatric inpatient service
- the admission (not "la admisión")

el servicio de internación psiquiátrica
- la internación

Diana spread out the pizza dough on the counter.
- to spread out (to extend, to spread, to write out: a prescription)
- the dough (not "la pasta") (the mass)
- the counter (not "el mostrador") (2)

Diana extendió la masa de la pizza sobre la mesada.
- extender
- la masa
- la mesada (L.A.), el encimero

The scalp may feel itchy and dry.
- the scalp
- hairy (not "velloso/a")

El cuero cabelludo puede sentir comezón y seco.
- el cuero cabelludo
- cabelludo/a

She left the house for a few days.

Ella salió de casa por unos días.
"por" - occurring for a period of time
(can also use "durante")

three meters long by three meters wide

tres metros de largo por tres de ancho

Either her tactic was really good, or the nurse m/wasn't too bright.
- either ... or (not "ya sea ... o")

O su táctica era realmente buena, o bien la enfermera no tenía demasiadas luces.
- Kwizq: (1) o ... o (2) o bien ... o bien
(above have a a mix)

The pastor argued that healthcare is an inviolable human right.
- the pastor
- the healthcare
- inviolable i.e., must be respected and not removed or ignored

El pastor argumentó que la atención médica es un derecho humano inviolable.
- el pastor
- la atención médica
- inviolable

an electronic system that seemed inviolable
- inviolable (i.e., cannot be infringed)

un sistema electrónico que parecía inviolable
- inviolable

to ventilate the room
- ventilate, to air out

ventilar el cuarto
- ventilar

You picked the best time to air some dirty laundry.
- to air, i.e., to make known (to ventilate, to air out)

Escogiste el mejor momento para ventilar algo de ropa sucia.
- ventilar

I heard a faint voice that was coming from the other room.
- faint (tenuous)

Escuché una voz tenue que provenía de la otra habitación.
- tenue

The room was in semi-darkness.
- the semi-darkness

El cuarto estaba en penumbras.
- la penumbra

If they hear you talking to me they will come in to medicate you right away.
- to medicate
- the medication (not "el medicamento")

Si te escuchan hablarme entrarán a medicarte enseguida.
- medicar
- la medicación

It was best to wait until after dinner.

Lo mejor era esperar a después de la cena.
alt: esperar hasta después de la cena
(Lo mejor era esperar después de cenar.
translates to: It was best to wait after dinner.)

the anti-theft alarms

las alarmas antirrobo

The priority was to protect the health of the inmates.
- the inmate (not "el recluso")

La prioridad era proteger la salud de las internas.
- el interno, la interna

then she turned her over
(to turn oneself over/around)

luego la dio vuelta
(darse [la] vuelta)
