Diagnostic and Assessment Review

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blood test that measures hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cells and white blood cells

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

measures amount of red blood cells in blood


Condition that results from having low amount of red blood cells and causes you to bleed freely


test that determines the number of each type of white blood cells in the blood

differential count

oxygen carrying molecule in red blood cells


test coagulation of blood in patients receiving anticoagulants to determine the correct level of anticoagulation

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

measurement of the time it takes for blood to clot

Prothrombin time (PT)

Pressure exerted on walls of blood vessels during the resting phase of the cardiac cycle

Diastolic pressure

Pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels during the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle

Systolic pressure

measurement of pain, temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure

vital signs

average of pressure throughout the cardiac cycle

Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

sudden onset of a disease or trauma for a short duration of 3 weeks or less

acute illness

illness that last for weeks, months, or years

chronic illness

condition that arises suddenly without a cause


study to find causes of a disease


rate of illness in the population


rate of death in the population


A disease worsens or becomes more serious


group of signs that are associated with a disease


study of diseases


prediction of the outcome of a condition or medical intervention


when the disease subsides


illness that will result in death is considered


a medical condition that can be treated and resolved is termed


this type of treatment is given to make the condition more tolerable when a disease or condition can not be cured


This type of tumor does not have the capability to spread


Tumor that is disorganized and can spread or grow


image technique to obtain cross sectional x-ray views

computed tomography (CT)

image technique that uses real time images with use of a C-arm


Image technique that uses ultrasonic waves to measure blood flow in vessels

Doppler study

imaging technique that uses radio frequency signals and magnetic energy

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

imaging technique that measures metabolic activity in the tissue

Positron emission tomography (PET)

noninvasive assessment of the heart's electrical activity that prints as a graph and requires leads to be placed on the patient

electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)

imaging technique that creates image by use of high frequency sound waves


Term used for when procedure is performed penetrating the skin


Term for procedure that uses a fiberoptic instrument to view tissue


Term for a procedure that uses a needle or medical device to insert through the skin without making a large incision


fluid that is used with imaging techniques to determine the contours of a part of the body. The fluid is ingested, injected, or instilled to outline hollow organs

contrast medium/radiopaque

What is the formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celcius


Formula to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit

F=(9/5 x C) +32

Which method of taking temperature is approx. 1 degree higher


Normal heart rate for an adult

60-100 beats per min

Normal respiration for adults


Noninvasive means of measuring oxygen saturation in blood

pulse oximeter

Test that determines the serum levels that are needed for metabolism

Metabolic panel

Test that measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood

Arterial blood gases (ABG)

Electrolyte necessary for transmission of nerve impulses to skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle


Electrolyte responsible for regulation of body and cellular fluids


Electrolyte that promotes myocardial contraction and conversion of thrombin to prothrombin and is needed for bone tissue development


Electrolyte that is important in neurotransmission of muscles


Decreased serum potassium


low sodium


Surgical removal of portion of tissue


tissue removal through a hollow needle

needle biopsy

specimen that is sent dry for immediate microscopic and gross contamination

frozen section

biopsy done with a cylindrical brush to sweep a hollow lumen

brush biopsy

removal of fluid for pathological examination

aspiration biopsy

When a specimen is sent on formalin it is considered

fresh specimen

Fluid specimens are sent to
