Interview flash

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Right: #
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# Right & # Wrong of #

Tell me about yourself

Describe yourself / your strengths

Describe your weaknesses

Why are you looking for a new job?

What are you looking for in your next role?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What is Discord? / What do you know about Discord?

What draws you to Discord specifically? / Why do you want to join Discord?

What other companies are you interviewing at and why?

How does your previous experience fit with this role?

Why are you the best candidate for this role?

In the first 60 days, what do you think is going to be the most challenging thing about this position?

What do you hope to gain / achieve from this position / role?

How did you/do you offer value in your role?

What would you do in the first week, month and year in this role?

How would you help meet Discord’s goals and objectives?

Give some examples of your teamwork skills / when you’ve worked well on a team?

How do you feel about working on a team / how do you feel about a team environment? / Teamwork or independence?

What role do you play in team situations?

Have you had difficulty working with a team or manager? / How do you handle a member of the team not doing their share of work?

What would you contribute to the team’s culture?

What motivates and demotivates you / What are you passionate about?

What stresses you out?

What is one piece of positive and negative feedback you've received before?

What was the worst advice someone ever gave you at work and what happened?

How important is a company's culture for you?

What type of manager do you work best with/what are you looking for in a manager?

What is your dream job?/If you had a magical wand, what would your ideal job be?

Describe your work style

What are your hobbies / what do you do outside work?

What has been your favorite type of work environment? /What is your ideal work environment? -

Tell me a time when you had to troubleshoot a problem. How did it go?

Tell me a time when you had to diffuse a tense situation.

Tell me a time when you dealt with a challenging customer.

How do you handle conflict with a stakeholder? / What if you don’t agree with feedback

Tell me an experience where everything went wrong and what would you do to change it /
Tell me a time where things didn’t go according to how it was planned / when you failed

Was there a project that didn’t go the way you wanted it to? / Time you failed

How did you handle adversity at your last job / a difficult situation? /
Tell me a time you overcame a challenging situation

How did you handle adversity in life?

Name a time where you had to make a decision that would negatively impact someone and explain how you handled it.
/ A time you had to make a difficult decision

Give an example of a time you had to use an unconventional solution / when you had to think outside of the box?

How do you manage many deadlines at once?

Name a time you thought of a way to improve a process at work.

Tell us about a time you had to convince stakeholders of the worth behind a specific piece of content or project.

What’s one essential skill you learned in your most recent job?

How do you define success?

What skills does someone in this role need?

What is your greatest achievement? /
What are you most proud of? / Went above and beyond? / Biggest Wins?

Tell me about a time you needed to use leadership skills

If you could change something about your past, what would it be?

If you could change something in your current/past role, what would it be?

Describe a time when you were criticized and what the outcome was.

What would you do if your manager asked you to do something you disagreed with?

How do you keep a team engaged and motivated?

What’s a time you disagreed with your manager?

What’s your personal mission statement?

What personality types do you work best with?

How do you describe your leadership style?