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Which kind of relationship would be appropriate for a data model in which a record of an object can be related to multiple records of another object and vice-versa?

Many-to-many relationship

What kind of object should be used by a company to store data related to real estate properties?

Custom object

Which feature can be used for an overview of the data model of a custom application in Salesforce?

Schema Builder

Can a text field be converted to a picklist?

Yes, if a text field is converted to a standard picklist, values from the text field will be populated into picklist values and data is retained.

Can relationship types be changed?

Yes, a master-detail relationship field can be converted to a lookup relationship field and vice versa, but the lookup field must have values in all the records.

What custom field types cannot be converted?(to or from)

Encrypted fields and formula fields cannot be converted to or from.

What is the difference between a lookup and master-detail relationship?

Both allow one object to be related to another in a one-to-many relationship, but in a master-detail relationship, the detail record wouldn’t exist without the master. Usually when the master is deleted, the detail records are deleted.

How is a many-to-many relationship created?

Using a junction object. This object sits between the two objects in the many-to-many relationship and has two master-detail fields, one for each of the objects to be related.

Which relationship can be used on the User object to associate one user with another?

Hierarchical relationship

What is an auto number field?

It is a read-only field that includes a specified prefix or suffix and a unique incremented number.

What are the different types of Text fields?

Text (up to 255), Text Area (up to 255 chars on separate lines), Text Area (Long) (up to 131,072 chars, Text Area (Rich) (up to 131,072 can contain rich formatting), Text (Encrypted)

What are the different types of picklists?

Standard, multi-select, and dependent. Note that picklists can be defined globally (global picklist) or at the object level (local picklist).

How does a Text (Encrypted) field work?

Up to 175 chars can be encrypted, but they are displayed as masked if a user doesn’t have the required system permission to view.

What is an external ID?

An external ID is a field that contains a unique identifier from a system outside of Salesforce.

What is the difference between assigning the default record type at the profile level or as a user setting?

If a default record type is assigned in a user’s profile, the user is prompted to select it while creating a new record. If it is assigned in the user’s personal settings, it is selected automatically.

A field does not display any picklist values, even though picklist values exist. What could cause this?

The object has record types defined, and no picklist values were added to the field for the record type.

What happens to picklist values of a record type if a value is removed from the master picklist?

If a value is removed from the master picklist, it is no longer an option for new records of any record types that included it. For existing records, a prompt is displayed to either replace the value or leave blank.

What does record type access control?

Record type access controls which record type is used when a user creates or edits a record. Users can view records of any record type if they have read access to the object.

Where is record type access assigned?

Record type access can be assigned using a profile or permission set, or a combination of both. A permission set can only be used to grant additional access.

What are record types used for?

Display different picklist values for the same field based on the record type, Display different fields in page layouts based on the record type / profile combination, Support different business processes for an object

What kind of accounts are there and how are they used?

Business Accounts and Person Accounts. Business Accounts are used for B2B selling and Person Accounts are for B2C.

What is a Person Account?

A Person Account is used for B2C situations and is an account made up of one Account and one Contact record. It is not enabled by default. It must be requested and enabled by Salesforce Support.

What are Campaign Statistics?

Campaign Statistics include the number of responses, leads and opportunities generated, and the value of the won opportunities.

What are some of the major capabilities of the Lead object?

Lead Business Process, Web-to-Lead, Auto Response Rule, Lead Import, Lead Queues, Assignment Rule, Lead Conversion

What are some of the major capabilities of the Case object?

Email-to-Case, Web-to-Case, Case Queues, Assignment Rules, Escalation Rules