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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

in part for his handling of the separatist crisis
- the handling, the management (not "el manejo")
- separatist
- the separatist

en parte por su gestión de la crisis separatista
- la gestión
- separatista
- el, la separatista

that management catapulted his popularity
- to catapult
- the catapult

esa gestión catapultó su popularidad
- catapultar
- la catapulta

the cadet

el, la cadete

These two elements secured his image as a national leader.
- to secure

Estos dos elements afianzaron su imagen de líder nacional.
- afianzar (trans)

to tighten control
- to tighten (to narrow)

estrechar el control
- estrechar

the oligarchy
the oligarch

la oligarquía
el oligarca

to annex (not "anexar")


He enrolled in a theater workshop.
- to enroll (S.A.) (not "inscribirse")

Se anotó en un workshop de teatro.
- anotarse (S.A.)

the abyss

el abismo

the unpaid leave
- the enjoyment

la licencia sin goce de sueldo
- el goce

Never ignore a blow to the head - no matter how minor it seems.

Nunca ignore un golpe en la cabeza por leve que parezca.
(ignorar - negative imperative)
(parecer - subjunctive)

Hopefully it recurs.
- to recur

Ojalá se repita.
- repetirse (subj above)

with a theatrical gesture
- theatrical

con gesto teatral
- teatral

the mime (the performer, the art)

el mimo

The school specializes in training engineers.
- to train (not "entrenar") (to form)

La escuela especializa en formar ingenieros.
- formar

He is training as a truck driver.
- to train

Él se está formando como camionero.
- formarse

something Russia has flatly denied
- flatly (not "de plano") (resoundingly)

algo que Rusia ha negado rotundamente
- rotundamente

They see him as a bulwark.
- the bulwark

Lo ven como un baluarte.
- el baluarte

the protégé

el protegido

in order to be eligible for the grant
alt: to apply for
- to be eligible for, to apply for

para optar a la beca
- optar a (2)

The Rams fans delighted in the victory.
- to delight in, to revel in

Los seguidores de los Rams se deleitaron con la victoria.
- deleitarse con

The parade delighted the public.
- to delight

El desfile deleitó al público.
- deleitar (trans)

the referendum

el referéndum

When she was very young, her family moved to Barcelona.
lit: she being very small (but not cited as a reason)

Siendo ella muy pequeña, su familia se mudó a Barcelona.

As a child, Valeria dreamed of being an actress.
lit: as small

De pequeña, Valeria soñaba con ser actriz.

The author anticipates antagonistic points of view.
- antagonistic
- the antagonism

El autor anticipa puntos de vista antagónicos.
- antagónico/a
- el antagonismo

the black eye
lit: a purple eye

el ojo morado

the bipolar disorder
- bipolar

el trastorno bipolar
- bipolar

His theory is the result of the synthesis of several others that were in vogue.
- the synthesis
- in vogue

Su teoría es resultado de la síntesis de varias otras que estaban en boga.
- la síntesis
- en boga
